People of Pro Bono: Sherry Green, Building Families Together
Read how pro bono support helped this nonprofit start-up tackle everything from building a website to creating a sustainable business plan.
Nonprofit Leadership Structure, Development, and Culture Case Studies
Sample pro bono projects to help you establish the leadership structure right for your organization, develop your leadership’s skills, and build your ideal environment.
Accelerating Change: Patachou Foundation
The Patachou Foundation uses pro bono at all levels–from messaging to videography to board development to strategy.
Accelerating Change: Manna Food Center
When Mitchell approached the Manna staff with an offer to provide skills-based volunteer consulting work, his nuanced approach set him apart from the outset.
Accelerating Change: Lakeview Pantry
See how pro bono made an impact on Lakeview Pantry’s volunteer management processes.