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SWOT Analysis
Our nonprofit is seeking a volunteer who can complete a comprehensive SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. This analysis should incorporate a thorough environmental scan as we examine external threats and opportunities.
This research and analysis will be a core building block for our organization's planning efforts. During this project, our volunteer will:
-Research industry trends
-Research potential collaborators and competitors in the same field to incorporate an environmental scan into this analysis
-Study feedback from our nonprofit's stakeholders
-Create a breakdown of our nonprofit’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats
-Examine how natural disasters, health crises, political upheaval, etc. could impact our programs, fundraising ability, or reliance on in-person volunteers.
By working with our team on this project, a volunteer will set us well for strategic planning and growth. We plan to use this analysis to inform our messaging and marketing efforts, enabling us to reach more community members through our mission.
In preparation for this project, we have consulted with Taproot staff to evaluate our needs and prepare ourselves to take on pro bono support. We are ready and enthusiastic for a volunteer to jump in!
We are ready to share information on our nonprofit's programs, partnerships, etc., so that our volunteer is fully ready to dive into this SWOT Analysis. You will work with our organization's leader when completing this project.
Zebralter Medical
Website Since
Oct 2024
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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