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Stakeholder Research Assistance
We are looking for a volunteer who can conduct a stakeholder research initiative for our organization.
Our organization needs a clear vision of who we trying to engage in our programming, fundraising, and partnership efforts. We are hopeful that intentional research on our organization’s core stakeholders can help ensure that our messaging hits all the right marks. This project will include: gathering and analyzing information about target demographics, ideal forms of outreach, and/or what worked well or not during past outreach drives. This research could include digging into what our expected stakeholders are reading, who they’re influenced by, where they live, and demographic details. Your research could also fuel the work of building user personas: a mock-up of your organization’s ideal individual donor, corporate partner, hands-on volunteer, or foundation partner.
By synthesizing this information, you will empower our team to make better, data-backed decisions on how to progress toward our mission's goals.
By volunteering your skills on this research project, you will help our small but mighty team better understand audience members, assisting us in reaching more supporters and program participants in the future. Your efforts will be vital to our growth!
To prepare for this project, we have consulted with Taproot staff on our organizational needs and gotten advice on effectively preparing to take on pro bono support. We have outlined who we believe our current core audiences are and who our aspirational audiences will be. You will have a dedicated team member to work with on this project. Specifically, we're going to use this information to inform messaging and marketing strategy work later in the year as we seek to expand awareness of our work and the impact of our mission.
Zebralter Medical
Website Since
Oct 2024
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association