Program Design

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Pilot Program Design
We have an idea for a new program our organization would like to start piloting. We would like to tap the assistance of someone with a background in program design to help create a step-by-step plan for building, executing and evaluating the impact of this pilot.
Our program design partner would help us define the program activities and create a logic model that outlines the cause-and-effect relationships between program inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. We would also define the human and financial resources (budget) required to implement the program, along with any monitoring and evaluation mechanisms necessary to assess the effectiveness of the program.
This will help us to make sure that the services we are providing are relevant and meeting community needs.
We understand that designing a new program is an iterative process and will commit to continuous learning, flexibility, and to providing direct, honest feedback. We view this program design process as a priority and will make all staff available along with information about our current programs and their beneficiaries.
We have prepared a cache of resources detailing our current programs and have already identified the need the new program will address, along with the target beneficiaries the program will reach.
LifeWorks SC
http://www.lifeworkssc.comMember Since
Oct 2022
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LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association
North Coast Resource Conservation & Development Council