Taproot Foundation is transforming how nonprofit and social change organizations access the pro bono support they need to achieve their missions by launching the newly redesigned matchmaking platform Taproot Plus at www.taprootplus.org.
Each and every day, social change organizations are tackling our communities’ most critical issues. And they often do so without access to the marketing, HR, technology, or planning resources they need to help those they serve. Taproot Plus makes it simple for organizations to find and connect with skilled volunteers—for free—who are looking to share their expertise pro bono.
Making access to pro bono easier than ever before
“We are passionate about providing more organizations with the pro bono service they need to thrive,” said Lindsay Firestone Gruber, Taproot Foundation’s President and CEO. “As the only free platform of its kind, Taproot Plus is a game-changer for the sector, poised to connect tens of thousands of organizations with pro bono support that will enable them to expand their impact exponentially. And with this redesign, we’re making access to pro bono service easier than ever before.”
Since its launch in the fall of 2014, the platform has already dramatically expanded the reach of pro bono services, infusing the sector with support worth over $18.6 million by connecting more than 4,800 nonprofits globally to over 125,000 hours of expertise. Companies, including Blue Shield of California and Morgan Stanley, a financial supporter of the redesign, are also using the platform to engage their employees in pro bono service, providing a customized experience that reflects their brand, expertise, and commitment to social impact.
Features of the new Taproot Plus design include:
- A sleek, fresh user experience that makes it easier than ever for nonprofits and skilled volunteers to receive and give pro bono support.
- New project management functionality, including ways to track applications to projects and streamline communications—all from within the platform.
- For corporate pro bono practitioners and managers, a new enhanced dashboard that gives administrators greater control of the custom metrics they report on, like employee engagement rate, value donated, and more.
Explore the new Taproot Plus Now >
Interested in engaging your employees in pro bono service through Taproot Plus? Email us for a demo of this powerful platform.