Every nonprofit needs a well-designed website to highlight its mission, expand its reach, and attract more volunteers and donors. It acts as an essential tool not just for marketing, but for fundraising, too. But what exactly should a nonprofit website include?
Your nonprofit’s website should answer these questions:
Why? Why did you create this nonprofit and why is it important?
What? What is your mission? What problem are you trying to solve?
How? How do you achieve your mission and answer those problems?
Who? Who are you? Whom do you serve?
Where? Where are you located? Is your organization local, national, international?
Here are some of the essentials for your nonprofit’s website. Download the checklist for more.
Web Pages
These pages would appear in the navigation, usually as different tabs or buttons.
- Home
- About (Including Mission)
- Donate
- Contact
Calls-To-Action (CTAs)
Add this copy in multiple locations to encourage visitors to take an action.
- Volunteer (This could be a web page instead.)
- Sign up for our newsletter
- Like us on social media
- Clean, not cluttered
- Clear navigation and CTAs
- Images
- Mobile-friendly
- Security
- Accessibility
Content Suggestions
Now that you’ve created your website, here are some ideas of what to put on it.
- Stories: Share stories from your clients, volunteers, staff, donors, and founders. How did the nonprofit start? Do you have quotes or testimonials?
- Visuals: Photographs and videos of your clients and volunteers
- Metrics: Show your impact. How many clients have you served? How many volunteers have joined your mission?
- Events: Do you have any events planned? While the pandemic has upended nonprofit in-person fundraisers, we have some unique virtual fundraising event ideas.
- Blog or educational resources: Do you have any general information or educational content to share? Maintaining a blog keeps your site fresh and helps your website appear earlier in search results.
- Financials: Maintain transparency and share your nonprofit’s financial data.
- History: Potential donors, volunteers, and clients want to learn more about your organization, when you were founded, and major milestones.
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